Thursday, April 23, 2009

Always have your victory dance ready!

Last night, I spent the better part of my evening watching the Bruins defeat the Montreal Canadiens in the first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. After listening to a house full of Canadiens fans "boo" our Nation's national anthem, I'd like to say that karma had something to do with this win. But in reality, I know that it was just plain and simple, good hockey.

The Boston Bruins not only defeated the Habs in this series, they swept them four games to zero! Boston has not made it past the first round of the Stanley Cup playoffs in 10 years. And, to put a nice big red bow on top, this is the first time since 1992 that the Bruins have swept the hated Canadiens in any series. For those of you out there that are not die hard hockey fans, the Montreal Canadiens are to the Bruins what the Yankees are to the Red Sox. They are the Bruin's kryptonite, and they have now been eliminated from the playoffs.

Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves, round 2 is just around the corner, and it looks like we will be playing the New York Rangers. I couldn't be more excited that the Bruins will continue on in this series, and I look forward to watching this magnificent group of athletes as they work towards their ultimate goal; to bring the Stanley Cup back to Boston.

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