Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend in Review....

It was a fabulous spring weekend in my corner of the north east! With temps in the 80's and no shortage of sunshine, outdoors was the place to be!

On Saturday, I took the weenies for separate walks. They are just like children and I have discovered that they do much better when separated! Lucy and I went to the park in Dorchester. We had a blast and met lots of new doggy friends including a handsome chihuahua named Gizmo! It was very hot and we had to take a break half way through. When we got back to the car, Lucy had a big bowl of water and was quite content to just lie down on the passenger side floor with the A/C blasting through her flowing locks! We were about 1 minute from the house when Lucy decided to get up off the floor. While we were sitting at a stop light, she decided to get on my lap and then proceeded to "get sick" all over the driver's side door. I'll spare you the details, but apparently the heat and excitement were a bit much for her.

When I got home, I took a quick break and then took Scoob for a walk around the neighborhood. We went down some new streets and checked out some areas that we had never been before. Scooby was very excited to be out and about on such a beautiful day.

Sunday was very busy as well. Steve and I got up and did some shopping in the morning. We then went to Fireflies for a nice brunch. Then it was back home to get the weenies and we headed down to Tracie's house for some animal interaction!
Lola (Tracie's Dog) has puppies and they are getting so big now! So we let the weenies check out the puppies. I do not think they knew what to do with the little puff balls! After visiting with the puppies we headed outside to visit the baby goats! Scooby was less than enthusiastic about hanging out with three baby goats. Lucy on the other hand could not get enough! She followed those little guys around everywhere they went. They exchanged kisses and even tried to play a bit.

We took a break and the three of us (humans) went to Target for a quick shopping trip. When we got back we bottle fed the goats. I, of course, got to feed Captain Jack Sparrow (my goat!). After the feeding, we decided to call it a day.

I took a picture on the way home to summarize the weenie's weekend escapades:

Here are a couple more shots of the details:
Captain Jack (the one on the left) and Brett:

And this is Silver:
Scooby checking out the puppies:

A close-up:

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