Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Never Argue With a Mack Truck!

Isn't it funny the things that people say to you that you remember? Growing up, my father was full of information that he seemed to (thoroughly) enjoy sharing with people. His children were, of course, no exception. One particular time in my life when these words of wisdom were flowing like the mouth of the River Nile, was when I was learning how to drive. I was pulling the car out of the driveway, and off in the distance was a very large truck, barreling down the road. As I sat there with my blinker on, waiting to turn onto the road, my father uttered the following six words: "Never argue with a Mack Truck". Now, I assume that he continued to talk and explain to me why "arguing" with a Mack Truck was never a good idea, but that was 13 years ago. Another time while my father was in the passenger seat, he decided to point out to me that when you are approaching a car that is attempting to pull out onto the main road from a side street, you should always look at the car's tires. Since the rims usually have 5 or more spokes, it is very easy to tell if the car is moving or not. Now, at the time, being a normal teenager, I was probably more concerned with why my father was sharing such an odd observation with me, rather than focusing on the actual usefulness of what had just been said.

Among the many, many things my father taught me, I'm sure he hopes I remember a little bit more than the random tidbits he shared with me while I was learning how to drive. For instance, lecture #753 on the proper way to save money or lecture #601, "Always have a contingency plan". Yes, these things stay with me as well, but I find it fascinating that to this day when I see a car attempting to pull out of a side street, the first thing I focus on are it's wheels. And, I cannot drive past a large truck without these words echoing in my head: "Never argue with a Mack Truck".

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